What is the North East Accommodation Study?
In 2023 Destination North East England commissioned a visitor accommodation study to provide a robust evidence base, conclusions and recommendations to support the strategic development of visitor accommodation across North East England's seven local authority areas.
The work provides a comprehensive understanding of the visitor accommodation landscape, ensuring the region has a clear view of the supply, performance, gaps, and opportunities in our visitor accommodation offer. It will be used to attract investment which aligns with the region’s needs, and to provide guidance to regeneration and planning teams across the North East to allow them to proactively support accommodation investment priorities.

What does the study include?
- An audit of current visitor accommodation and analysis of proposed schemes.
- An assessment of accommodation performance at strategic, sub-regional and (where available) local level.
- Benchmarking versus competitor regions, cities, counties and tourism areas.
- Review of key trends in market including accommodation product development trends.
- Summaries of consultation sessions with the region’s local authorities and Local Visitor Economy Partnerships (LVEPs).
- Assessment of destination aspirations as expressed in key policy documents.
- Soft market testing with hotel and visitor accommodation developers, investors and operators.