Be ready to WelcoME your visitors

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Be ready to WelcoME your visitors

WelcoME is an established digital platform, enabling visitors to source information relating to their specific needs and ask questions in advance of their visit as well as helping venue staff create a warm and inclusive welcome.

WelcoME is a web-based tool specialises in making face-to-face transactions between the visitor and staff teams as informed, anxiety-free, and friendly as possible. It shares information about customer needs and reasons for visiting and provides in the moment training. It integrates into existing customer and visitor booking tools and systems to connect person-facing teams to customers with hidden and physical disabilities.

It means that visitors and the people they meet are informed and quickly build relationships. The platform’s training tools means there is no guesswork in identifying who may have additional support needs, and how to give them a fantastic experience.

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Key benefits

  • Live notifications for visitors booking visits and their arrival.
  • On-site training for front-facing staff, giving them the ability and confidence to welcome visitors.
  • Improved customer service for visitors.
  • Visitors get the opportunity to identify what you offer.
  • A better understanding of the issues faced by customers with hidden and physical disabilities.
  • Information to the public about the services you have available and how to access it.

By training frontline staff in our venues, as well as developing a way for consumers to liaise directly with businesses prior to arrival, together we can become one of the UK’s most inclusive and accessible visitor destinations.

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How does WelcoME work?

Sign up to WelcoMe

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