Newcastle International Airport has unveiled a brand-new multi-faith prayer room and quiet space.
The newly refurbished area which is located inside the terminal near security, offers a dedicated space for passengers and airport employees who want to engage in prayer, meditation or find a quiet space. The multi-faith prayer room is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and has comfortable seating, prayer mats, religious texts and other resources.
Senior management from Newcastle International Airport, the Airport Chaplains and faith leaders from across the North East Region gathered to mark the official opening of the Chapel this week. Guests included:
- The Bishop of Newcastle, Rt Revd Dr Helen-Ann Hartley
- Rabbi Aaron Lipsey - Chair of Newcastle Council of Faiths
- Rev Canon Christine Brown - St Mary the Virgin, Ponteland
- Imam Mohammad Roziur Rahman
- Paul Southgate - Chair of Northumbrian Industrial Mission
- Andy Lie - Ecumenical and Inter-faith Officer URC
- Cllr Mehrban Sadiq
- Mrs Christine Armstrong, Mr Chris Horton and Mr Craig McManus - members of the Chaplaincy Management Support Group

We are delighted to open our brand-new multi-faith prayer room and quiet space. We welcome and value our employees’ and passengers’ differences, and the newly refurbished space reflects our dedication to create an inclusive culture for all. “The Airport Chaplaincy has provided passengers and employees with compassionate, independent and confidential listening for 26 years, and we hope this space offers everyone a place of sanctuary and calm amidst the bustling airport atmosphere.

The Chaplaincy team at Newcastle International Airport are grateful to the Airport for its investment into the multi-faith prayer room and quiet space. “This space has always been well received by passengers, with many leaving messages of gratitude. One passenger wrote: 'From a self-professed anxious traveller, the room was a calming and grounding influence. Without the Chaplaincy’s gentle reassurance, the whole experience would have been much more difficult.' “We believe this newly refurbished space will provide passengers and employees with a place to find peace, strength and recharge, and we hope to see many more faces embracing this sanctuary during their journey or working day.

North East England has a rich history of diverse faiths and beliefs, with an average of 55% of the North East population identifying with a religion, according to data revealed by the 2021 Census.
Airport Chaplains are members of the International Association of Civil Aviation Chaplains (IACAC), a professional organisation of Chaplains in the civil aviation industry. At more than a hundred airports around the world, Airport Chaplains support travellers and employees of all faiths and no faiths with spiritual care and guidance.
Newcastle International Airport has a team of three chaplains on site. Located near the security entrance, the multi-faith prayer room and quiet space is open to all.
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