The visitor economy is worth £6.1bn to the region, supporting over 63,000 jobs, with a huge growth potential. Destination North East England, in parallel with the North East Combined Authority has ambitions to double the value of the visitor economy in ten years.
The North East Devolution Deal, the North East Mayor’s Manifesto and the draft Local Growth Plans all reference the importance of the Visitor Economy to the region.
In November 2024, the Cabinet of the North East Combined Authority requested that proposals were developed, in collaboration with regional partners, to set out how the region can deliver on the clear growth potential of the regional visitor economy by building on the existing Destination Development Partnership (DDP) pilot (Destination North East England) to strengthen the regional infrastructure and capacity needed to accelerate progress.
Destination North East England is led by NewcastleGateshead Initiative on behalf of the region, working with delivery partners Visit Northumberland and Visit County Durham and in partnership with all seven local authorities.

Good progress has been made since November and following initial consultation with stakeholders, the Combined Authority have today (11 March) published a paper for discussion at a North East Combined Authority full Cabinet Meeting on the 18 March which sets out the following:
- Proposed principles underpinning the new regional approach.
- Potential scope and functions required; and
- Next steps for stakeholder engagement.
The Cabinet, as the main decision-making body of the North East Combined Authority is being asked to endorse the direction of travel and approve the approach set out as the basis for further in-depth engagement with national strategic partners, existing Local Visitor Economy Partnerships, and the wider sector and business community, with a view to a final proposed approach and implications for existing delivery structures being brought to North East Combined Authority Cabinet in the summer.
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